The game tells the story of Son Goku, an alien sent by a race known as the Saiyans and raised on Earth, following the “Dragon Ball Z” anime with a few minor details added in to start the game. The game is a blend between action and RPG. Kakarot is essentially the first of its kind in video games for the “Dragon Ball” franchise. Even so, “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot” delivers a video game that relives the epic stories of Goku and friends. The strengths outweigh the weaknesses of this game, but certain issues arise while playing that stay constant throughout. The game does not come without its flaws, however. Unlike any “Dragon Ball” game before it, “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot” delivers fresh gameplay and a new perspective on the beloved anime story. “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot” released on PS4, Xbox One and PC Jan.